So I promised you some more details on how to make your card in a box. Well here is the first stage.
Outline of score lines and cuts |
You should end up with a piece of card stock that looks like this |
Step 1 - with the A4 card in landscape position, score the vertical lines at 7, 14, 21 and 28cm.
Step 2 - turn the card to portrait position and cut a 2cm strip off the long edge
Step 3 - Score a vertical line at 11cm
Step 4 - Turn the card back to landscape and cut the shorter vertical lines (they should be 8cm in length)until you reach the centre score line
Step 5 - Remove the tab next to the vertical cut lines (measures 1.5cm x 8cm)
Step 6 - Use a bone folder to crease all your folds - remember that the "flaps" will fold outwards and the box inwards. If you wish to punch a decorative edge - do this now.
Step 7 - Using the 2cm strip - cut two sections to create your Z folds - aim to make the "tabs" either side of the 7cm panel equal sizes. I have suggested a "tab " of 1cm - 2cm depending where you want your centre bars to lie.
Step 8 - Use a strong adhesive on the remaining tab ready to join your box - if using a wet glue I would suggest waiting until you have decorated your panels.
Step 9 - Cut 4 panels 10.5cm x 6.5cm to decorate the lower sides of the box. These can be dsp or stamped/embossed card stock. If you wish to add a second layer - cut them 10cm x 6cm.
Step 10 - Cut 4 panels 7.5cm x 6.5cm to decorate the outside of the flaps. TIP - do check the panels are on the sides that will be seen before attaching them! Again if you want a second layer cut them at 7cm x 6cm.
Step 11 - Once your panels are decorated you can adhere the tab and create your box.
Step 12 - Add some glue/tape on either end of your "Z" fold piece of card and insert it into the box, just below the top surface approx 1/3 of way accross the box. Then do the same with the other piece. this divideds your box into approx 3 segments and you can attach your decorate elements to them to create the 3D effect. just remember that when you press your card flat it still has to fit into the envelope - so don't get too carried away!
Decorated sides |
Inserted "Z" folds |
I used cocktail sticks to help me gain some additional height with these balloon elements. Also sticking one element to another, as I did with the star helps to build the 3 D effect. Don't forget to add elements to your back panel and inside the front edge! Using all these surfaces helps to create dimension.
I hope you have fun as you make your very own Card in a Box. If you have any problems or questions just drop me a line at